Thursday 19 April 2012

Taking Care

The books in the Louisbourg Library are in various states of repair -- some are in excellent condition, but, as expected due to their age, others are in deteriorating condition. Water damage, cuts, wormholes, spots, marginalia, detached covers, and broken spines are some of the conditions you expect to enounter when working with old books. For the most part, nothing has been done to alter these books. I have recommended (for a future project) that a condition evaluation assessment be conducted to determine what special care needs should be implemented to extend the lifespan of the books, and to select books that may be candidates for digitization.

Books in fragile condition or with detached covers have been wrapped in tissue paper and bound with tying tape. As well, the books are kept in secure cabinets that protect them from light, dust, and surprise environmental hazards such as the sprinklers going off. Visitors are not permitted to peruse the shelves as you normally can in a library to limit unnecessary handling of the books.

Please don't be discouraged from coming to see the books in person! These safeguards are in place to protect the books so that people can see them for many years to come. It is anticipated that more people will come to the Beaton Institute to see these rare and wonderful books. If there are any books that you wish to see, please contact the Beaton Institute prior to your visit.

Examples of book conditions from the Louisbourg Library



fragile condition

Thursday 12 April 2012

Navigating Louisbourg Library

The rare books from the Fortress of Louisbourg Library form their own special collection within the Novanet catalogue, "Cape Breton University Fortress of Louisbourg Collection Beaton." The regular books have been assimilated in CBU's general collection and may be borrowed just like any other book. The rare books, however, are housed at the Beaton Institute, "a cultural heritage archive mandated to preserve the social, economic, political and cultural history of Cape Breton Island." The name assigned to Louisbourg's rare books directs the user to Cape Breton University, the Beaton Institute, and then the specific collection.

Books, or any material for that matter, may not be borrowed from the Beaton Institute. Researchers are able to view items of interest in the Beaton's reading room. It is recommended that a research request be submitted prior to visiting the Beaton so that staff can pull the relevant items in advance. Write anytime to

So, how do you search the Louisbourg Library?

Unfortunately, at this time there is no way to browse the collection. I am currently working on a shelf list that will be posted on the Beaton Institute's website when it is complete. Until then, you almost have to stumble upon an item while searching in Novanet or Worldcat. For example, if you were interested in researching gardens, try searching for "jardin" as a keyword since the majority of the publications in this collection are published in French. Be sure to limit your search to Cape Breton University. I did not have any luck conducting this search in Worldcat, but I did find a result in Novanet. I would recommend that you try searching both portals since they both have their strengths and weaknesses.

The book I found by conducting this search is "Le jardinier fleuriste, ou, La culture universelle des fleurs, arbres, arbustes, arbrisseaux servant à l’embellissement des jardins : contenant plusieurs parterres sur des desseins nouveaux, bosquets, boulingrins, sales, salons, & autres ornemens de jardin : avec la maniere de rechercher les eaux, de les conduire dans les jardins, & une instruction sur les bassins : ouvrage où tous les curieux trouveront de quoi s’amuser agréablemen" par le sieur L. Liger.

As you can see, many of the books from this collection have more than one title and sometimes multiple subtitles. As well, authors are more difficult to identify than in publishing today; oftentimes the title page of the book will state "by the author of Memoires," or some other publication. If you are lucky enough to get an author's name, it will likely be only the last name, as in this example.

The most important information you need is the call number. This number is needed for the staff to retrieve the book for you. The call number for Liger's "Le jardinier fleuriste" is SB 405 L54 1754. The call number is based on Library of Congress Classification. Once you have a call number for the subject area you are researching, you are able to browse in Novanet by selecting "Call Number." It is very important to remember that the call number is also the item's reference number, so be sure to bring this information with you if you wish to see any of the books from the Louisbourg Library the next time you visit the Beaton Institute.

Bonne chance!